Thursday, December 3, 2015

Contributions to Steve's cause have refurbished the day care!

Funding received have been used for repairs and painting of the day care, we thank everybody for the support! Its now a brighter place!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Rest in Peace Stevie!

It is with deep sadness that i announce that my dearest son Steven has passed on, the night of 29th of July 2015! No words can describe my feelings! As a family we are so heartbroken, so sad, we loved you so much, but God loved you more and wanted to be with you! We pray for you, and we will miss you forever! Its hard for us to comprehend why it had to be you, but anyway we accept that God has a good plan for all of us! Rest in Peace our son, and brother to Vanessa and Edwin who are so heartbroken that they can not stop weeping and mourning for you! Rest in Peace Stevie! Your father misses you terribly! Rest in Peace Stevie cause i know you did no wrong to any human being! Your love to us will be missed, your hugs will be missed terribly and your laughs will always be missed by all of us! Rest in Peace Stevie!